Fomentek® bags are used in a variety of spa services including:
Massage Therapy
Preparing the tissue and during the massage
Place a warm Small or Medium-sized Fomentek bag under the neck and shoulders or lumbar region for relaxation and support
Heat Source for Herbal Wraps
Heat Source for Castor Oil Packs
A Few Words from Cheryl Chapman
“I use all three size Fomentek bags to warm up my massage table before my clients arrive, enabling me to apply heat to almost the entire body.
My clients LOVE to feel the warmth of the bag on their back. The relaxation effect allows them to relax almost immediately as well as make it easier to do massage on the back when I turn them face down.
A nice feature is easy cleaning. I rinse the inside and outside with a vinegar and water solution and dry the outside if I need to use again, or if not leave the cap off, puff it up and allow the bag to air dry.
The small bag is great for wrists, hands, ankles and other areas for spot therapy. I use an ace bandage to keep it in place.
Another point is these bags are very durable. I have bags I’ve been using for years. Also, they are very affordable.”
Cheryl Chapman RN, HN-BC, NCTMB, LMT, S40M
Your product is fabulous! I totally endorse it. I couldn’t run my practice without it!
Paula V.
Orlando, FL
I have used the Fomentek bags for years. Their durability and heat retaining capability cause them to be an essential, perhaps critical part of my therapeutic routine. My clients find them very nurturing and love them for home use too.
Susan L.
Columbus, OH
There is no excuse on God’s earth for me not to use a Fomentek Bag in every session.
Greg G..
Fargo, ND
Prepare the Tissue for Massage
Imagine how much more effective every
massage would be if every client had a 15-
minute hot soak before their session.

They make my massage therapy work so much easier.
Cheryl O..
Boca Raton, FL
My clients absolutely love the relief and relaxation they receive from your product. By the time I get to their lower back during a massage, they don’t have pain. Need I say more? Thanks for making my work easier..
Lynda S..
Houston, TX
It helps relax the muscles so my work can be more effective. My clients love it..
Jennifer W..
Euclid, OH
- Warms and softens the tissue and relaxes the muscles before the therapist even begins to work
- Increases muscle elasticity allowing the therapist to go deeper
- Increases the blood flow to promote healing
- Delivers nurturing comfort to the client while encouraging a far deeper state of relaxation than massage alone
- Allows deep heat penetration into the muscle tissue and activates nature’s pain-relieving process
Oils, Ointments and Cleaners Won’t Harm the Fomentek Bags
Fomentek bags are not harmed or weakened by any oils, lotions, linaments, or ointments. This engineered polymer stands up to all solvents, acids, and chemicals in any concentration.
However, ALWAYS read the directions on any ointment before applying ANY SOURCE OF HEAT.
Keep the Client Warm & the Therapist Cool
The use of heat on the client during massage allows the treatment room to be cool enough for the therapist to work hard without overheating while the client can relax without feeling cold.
Share the Warmth
Retail to Your Clients
. . .One of the most therapeutic tools I have to give for take-home care!.
Patricia B.
Seattle, WA
Fomentek bags are really the perfect Christmas gift. They are great baby shower gifts for the backaches of pregnancy but boy do they fly off our lobby shelf during the holidays!
Linda, D..
Memphis, TN
I have excellent results with clients in my practice and promote Fomentek bags for personal use by my clients.
Patricia C..
Austin, TX
Fill the Large Fomentek Bag 1/3 full with warm water (see instructions). Place the Large Fomentek Bag near one end of the massage table with the fill spout facing down. Have the client lay supine with just enough of the Fomentek bag sticking out above the shoulders to reach to the top of the client’s ears, thereby supporting the skull with the rounded edge of the Fomentek Bag. The therapist then stands beside the table and inserts the hand closest to the head of the table into the upper corner of the Fomentek bag with the palm up. As the therapist’s hand and arm enter the bag, the client’s body rises slightly due to the increased volume.
As the therapist’s arm enters the bag, the therapist may use the other hand to gently support the client’s head. This skin contact and slight pressure reassures the client and gives the client “permission” to relax the neck muscles. The next step is for the therapist to push his/her arm deep into the Fomentek bag. Now the therapist, gently at first, explores the client’s back with the fingertips, feeling for areas of greater density or “knots” as they are sometimes called. After briefly pausing at each position, the therapist relaxes his/her hand and moves to another position of the back and repeats the frictioning procedure several times along the back and upper shoulders.
With the client supine – on a large Fomentek bag which is vertically aligned with the table as mentioned above, the therapist stands at the head of the table. The therapist, standing at the head of the treatment table with palms up, pushes both hands into the two top corners of the Fomentek bag as far as possible, pushing both hands toward the lumbar region. The motion should be smooth and steady. When the fingertips reach the small of the back, the therapist cups the hands for a couple of seconds allowing the fingertips to come into contact with the back through the Fomentek bag. The hands are then withdrawn about one inch and cupped again gaining contact with the client’s back muscles. The maneuver is repeated.
This sequence of cupping-relaxing-withdrawing-cupping-relaxing-withdrawing continues until the therapist’s fingertips have reached the upper thoracic or lower cervical region. The technique should be repeated several times as necessary until the spine articulates freely. If the therapist chooses to “strip” the muscles upward in a continuous move, it is recommended that a few drops of massage oil be put into the Fomentek bag every third filling. Oil serves to lubricate the walls of the bag which slide against each other when employing this technique.